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Wedding vs Marriage: The Showdown 5

Ladies!  This post is part of a wonderful five part series on marriage.  The posts were crafted by my wonderful friend, mentor and counselor, Mrs. Zina Henry.  Zina has over seven years of “real life” counseling experience under her belt by way of a marriage ministry,  GUMM–God’s Union Marriage Ministry (pronounced Gee You), which she started with her husband, Eldridge Henry, in her home.  She is now accessorizing her experience by pursuing her counseling degree in Marriage and Family Therapy.  That is too say, she does know a lot about the things, of which she speaks.  So prepare yourself for the round 1 of the boxing match between the Marriage and the Wedding.  We’ll let you determine who wins.  Enjoy!

Excerpt from last post:

When you are preparing for marriage for life, you and your spouse are completely transparent with each other, before and during the marriage. You are able to be completed exposed and uncovered and there is no sense of shame or guilt because you know that you are protected and loved.

Part 5

Are you best friends?
best-friends-forever-2Lastly, when you’re just preparing for the wedding, you are not your future husband’s best friend and he is not your best friend. You would rather spend time with your girlfriends and he would rather spend time with his friends or occupy his time with other things. Nor can you be yourself around him. You still have this pretend face that you display because you haven’t built an intimate bond.

When you’re preparing for marriage, you are best friends with your spouse. You enjoy spending time with him. You can’t wait for him to come home. You miss him when you’re away from him. You want to spend most of your time with him. There is a deep intimacy between the two of you that is almost quirky. And you can be yourself around him. He accepts you and loves you for who you are.

Your future spouse is going to be around for life. Marriage is not to be played with. Too many people are marrying for the wrong reasons and with unrealistic expectations. Your spouse will never be able to fulfill all of your needs. This is why you and your spouse have to cultivate a relationship with God individually and then continue to develop that relationship together after marriage. The purpose of your marriage is to continue to grow together and have a thriving marriage that will provide believers with a picture of Christ’s love and relationship to His church (Ephesians 5:22-33; Revelation 21:2,9). Are you ready to tackle that charge? If not, you’re only preparing for the wedding.

Are you ready for the marriage or just the wedding? Tell me how you know. And if you’re already married, share some wisdom on how you’ve been preparing for a lifelong journey with your spouse or how you will start preparing. Go ahead, leave a comment.
Still a bride,
Zina Henry

Published inHer LightHer RelationshipsHer Soul's Desire

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