The forgiveness detox will continuously push the poop out of you until you’re fully clean. I needn’t get graphic here; however, I have to say, when you start forgiving, God will bring to your remembrance some stuff you’d forgotten about completely–old wounds and injuries, scars and even keloids. You begin to feel and the stuff you’ve carried for years, even stuff you’ve forgotten you carried, moving its way through your spirit. When I do my detox through juicing, I make sure that I’m always near a bathroom. Likewise, stay close to God as you go through your forgiveness detox. He can sooth your heart as it empties itself of all the spiritual excrement of unforgiveness. Trust me, those moments will keep coming and you will keep emptying yourself of the unhealthy grudges that have slowed down your walk and drained you of your energy. You’ll look back and see some unsightly, smelly, pieces of toxic burdens you’ve carried, but once they are released you will feel better.