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Category: Triple F’s Blogs

Blog entries for 40 Fro~ed and Fabulous

Y’all Still Out Here Living Your Best Lives?

So, this back and forth. If I don’t feel like going back and forth with some folks, can you even imagine how Sweet Jesus in his therapist glasses feels when He has to deal with my wishy-washy self? It’s a mess I’m sure. To be honest, I waiver when he tells me to do something I don’t want to do. Sometimes I’m all in, other times, I feel like I’m going to miss out on something if I’m looking to the hills. Sometimes I want to do the work of the kingdom at my job, in my church, and then the next moment I get so mad with folks in these spaces that I decide I ain’t doing nothing. I can imagine God just shaking his head at me and my foolishness.


Forgiveness Fitness

After you make the decision to lose the weight of unforgiveness, just know your workout will not yield a pain free process. Just know the first day may be okay, but day 2, 3, 4 may be a little more intense. Day 5 comes and the soreness dissipates–some, because you continued to workout your forgiveness by relating to the offender with a forgiving heart. The days ahead get much easier, as you become accustomed to your new forgiveness behaviors.